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4-step process to clarity

 Identify your purpose, vision, and strategy – with the authenticity that is unique only to you. 

Image by Edryc James P. Binoya


I work with you to get clarity around the vision you have for your life – what's important about your goals and why. 



We’ll develop a strategy, both short term and long term for how to achieve it.

Hot Air Balloons


We’ll work together to inspire action and work through various milestones to achieve your goals.

Image by Saffu

sustainable habits

And most important, build sustainable habits so you’ll able to implement this on your own as you navigate life’s marathons. 

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what happens next?

step 1

Schedule a free 30 minute Discovery Consultation with me.  During this call we will: 

  • Get to know each other 

  • Discuss general areas where you see opportunity to thrive

  • Create a “rough draft” of how we could get you there

  • Talk through logistics (pricing, process, and practicality) should we choose to work together

step 3

We will map out an engagement for you and your goals, typically between four and six months. These sessions are the change agents.  

  • Meet every two weeks (unless determined otherwise)

  • Work through a unique and customized action plan centered around your goals

  • Deep dive into obstacles/blocks that arise 

  • Identify layers of your values, motivations and personal/professional success 

step 2

If you decide to explore further, schedule a Vision Setting session (75-90 minutes). In this session, we will: 

  • Identify and prioritize your goals

  • Uncover the layers of importance around your goals 

  • Analyze the impact and trickle-down effect of achieving these goals

step 4

The path forward 

  • At the end of an engagement, most clients have established the positive habits to move forward and meet new goals on their own

  • I am always here for further support if needed, including the one-off sessions as needed

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